Thursday, July 14, 2011

Commercial Farming

Commercial Farming is performed on a large scale, with the help of machine like treshers, harvests, tractors, etc. In commercial farming crops such as wheat, tea, coffee, sugarcane, cashew, rubber, banana, and cotton are harvested and sold into world market.  

Despite technological advances, such as improved varieties, genetically modified organisms, and irrigation system is still a key factor in agricultural productivity, as well as soil properties and natural communities.
The effect of climate on agricultural is related to variability’s in local climates rather than in global climate pattern ,on the other hand, agricultural trade has grown in recent years and now provides significant amount of food on a national level to major importing countries, as well as comfortable income to exporting ones. Commercial farming has the international aspect of trade and security of food need to consider the effect of climate change on a global scale.While staying focused on maximizing the crop and maintainig a good soil.Six key factors help with the Commercial farming is location, climate, raw materials, market forces, labor and transportation to maintain crops and business.

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