Thursday, June 23, 2011

Water Pollution

When it comes to water pollution there are various causes, some are natural, some are manmade and some natural, but worsen by human activity. Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies that affect plants and organisms causing damaging effects to species and populations.

Man is the main cause of water pollution because of plastic, empty cans, bottles and other trash has replaced the fishes and other creatures that lived under the water (Fiest, 2007). The article hold truth when it mentions we as people contaminated water with chemicals such as body soap, shampoo, and laundry soap without looking at the harmfulness it causes to our environment.                                 

 According to Fiest another main cause of water pollution are toxic substances coming from industrial, agricultural and domestic use, which traces back to lead, sewage, power plants and manufactories that contaminates the water with toxicants.

The country as a whole need to educate people on the long term affects of water pollution. If society continues to make awareness and solutions then maybe we can save our future generation.

Fiest, N.2007. Main Causes of Water Pollution. Retrieved June 20, 2011 from

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