Thursday, June 30, 2011


Oil plays a big role in our society in the form of positive and negative affects it has on our environment and wildlife. When it comes to oil everyone one needs it, use it, and has great demand for it, but in the end it’s abused.  Oil has been around for many decades that have provided energy for homes and gas for vehicles.  Society has now abused the oil and the environment is suffering from high gas prices, oil spills and damaging the atmosphere.
Oil spillages in the ocean cause the oil to spread out over the surface of water that affects commercial fishing, food and tourism.  Oil causes harm to the wildlife through physical contact, breathing and absorption that leaves the fish contaminated, and spreads to other animals and humans.
Oil can remain in the environment long after a spill event, especially in areas sheltered from weathering processes that has a long term effect on the environment and may never be cleaned up.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Water Pollution

When it comes to water pollution there are various causes, some are natural, some are manmade and some natural, but worsen by human activity. Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies that affect plants and organisms causing damaging effects to species and populations.

Man is the main cause of water pollution because of plastic, empty cans, bottles and other trash has replaced the fishes and other creatures that lived under the water (Fiest, 2007). The article hold truth when it mentions we as people contaminated water with chemicals such as body soap, shampoo, and laundry soap without looking at the harmfulness it causes to our environment.                                 

 According to Fiest another main cause of water pollution are toxic substances coming from industrial, agricultural and domestic use, which traces back to lead, sewage, power plants and manufactories that contaminates the water with toxicants.

The country as a whole need to educate people on the long term affects of water pollution. If society continues to make awareness and solutions then maybe we can save our future generation.

Fiest, N.2007. Main Causes of Water Pollution. Retrieved June 20, 2011 from

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Air Pollution

When I think of air pollution I in vision transportation and, machinery's that release a chemical into the air and can become harmful to our society, but I have researched and found out that there are several types of air pollution that can be as harmful. Air pollution in cities around the world causes roughly 2 million premature deaths each year (Fraser, 2006). The WHO program known as World Health Organization has made awareness to society that people health is at risk from high pollution in the environment.
The Who program suggest to find a way to cut air pollution in half to protect people from heart disease, respiratory and lung cancer by putting in place requirements to help decrease the toxins in the air. By doing that, WHO says reducing theses harmful particulate matter levels can reduce death from air pollution by 15 percent per year (Fraser, 2006).
In the end I feel like air pollution has a big impact on the deadly diseases we encounter. I think Illness is on rise with cancer and respiratory breathing because the air is full of poisonous chemicals and toxins.  As a society we need to continue to educate our country and people on taking proper precautions to help decrease air pollution for future generations.

Fraser, J. (2006).Two million people a year killed by air pollution, says WHO. Retrieved June 13, 2011, from